MyListing - Directory & Listing WordPress Theme
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MyListing, a Powrful Directory, Listing and Event WordPress Theme
MyListing is a Wordpress theme that gives you complete freedom to create any type of directory or listing website Design your pages on the front-end and witness your work instantly come to life. MyListing pages are created using the powerful front-end page builder, Elementor. All 50+ elements are drag and drop, and easy to use and customize. Absolutely no coding required.
Advanced Listing type creator, for any type of directory.
Whether you’re creating a business, event, or any other type of directory, you would want different look, functionality and features for each of them. Our advanced listing type creator lets you do just that. Choose between 20+ pre-made fields and create your own unlimited custom fields. Each listing can also have their own products for sale, host events, forms, reviews, comments and other custom tabs.Create and customize your explore page
Build advanced search forms with unlimited custom filters. Choose between three pre-made explore page templates and 10+ Google map skinsMonetize your directory website
Earn money by monetizing listing submission, aswell as allowing users to promote their listings
Full Theme Features
- MyListing uses Elementor page builder – the fastest growing, open-source WordPress page builder.
- Over 50 Elementor widgets ready to use.
- Advanced Listing Type Builder
- Add unlimited listing types, each with it’s own unique design and functionality.
- Listing Type editor with a beautiful and easy to use interface.
- Custom Listing Profiles for each listing type.
- Custom Fields with powerful field editor for each listing type.
- Customize the listing preview box, uniquely for each listing type.
- Customize the Explore page uniquely with custom facets for each listing type.
- Powerful search facet editor, unique to each listing type.
- TimeKit and Contact Form 7.
- Listing Reviews.
- Bookmark Listings.
- Listing Ratings.
- Shortcode generator with an easy to use interface.
- Custom shortcodes included.
- ‘Button’ shortcode.
- ‘Listing Categories’ shortcode.
- ‘Format Text’ shortcode.
- ‘Icon Picker’ shortcode.
- ‘Listing Search Form’ shortcode.
- Over 2000 icons to choose from, including Custom Theme Icons, Material Icons, Font Awesome, and Glyphicons.
- Integrated with Google Maps.
- Custom Google Maps markers.
- Custom Google Maps location previews.
- Marker/Location clustering.
- Background Images Parallax
- Background Video
- Owl Carousel
- PhotoSwipe
- Custom Scrollbars
- Instant search on header.
- Listing quick view.
- Bootstrap
- Fully Responsive
- Breadcrumbs bar (section).
- Customized Dashboard page for front end users.
- Users can request to add their own products.
- Share listings/posts functionality included.
- Fully integrated with WooCommerce.
- User Sign In/Register functionality included.
- Fully integrated with WP Job Manager.
- WC Paid Listings supported.
- Single Click Demo Import.
- Choose from all of our online demos.
- Integrated with Contact Form 7.
- Contact Form widget included.
- Latest Blog Posts widget included.
- Built using Vue.js JavaScript framework.
- Customize header.
- Four different header types, alongside other options, and the ability to edit the header on a per-page basis.
- Smooth scrolling option.
- Customizable footer.
- Back to top option.
- Translation ready (Does not support multi-language).
- Minified and combined assets to reduce the amount of http requests and enhance load time and site performance.
- Clean and well structured code.
- Related listings (Host) for listings.
- Custom, mulitple store tabs possible for each listing.
MyListing can be translated to any language, but it is not multi-language or WPML compatible yet
v2.1 – Coming Soon!
v2.0.11 – 27 February 2019
- Added compatibility with WP Job Manager 1.32.2
v2.0.10 – 24 January 2019
- FIX: Custom permalinks not working with latest version of WP Job Manager.
v2.0.9 – 17 January 2019
- Added ability to change the "Bookmark" label for quick actions/cover details when a listing is bookmarked, through the listing type editor. - FIX: When displaying listing types with the "27 > Listing Categories" widget in Elementor, reordering types doesn't work. - FIX: Caching issue when using custom taxonomies as Explore page filters. - FIX: Term dropdowns on Explore page not accounting for listing type specific terms on some occasions. - FIX: Hierarchical term dropdowns in Explore page not being assigned the correct value on some occasions. - FIX: "Price Range" field default options can't be removed. - FIX: Description being shown twice on Checkbox custom field in Add Listing page. - FIX: Searching by package ID not working on "Switch Payment Package" dropdown in backend listing form. - FIX: Issue with range filter min/max values in Explore page.
v2.0.8 – 15 January 2019
- FIX: Issue with term dropdown field in backend listing forms. - FIX: When validation fails on Add Listing form, the Description field styles aren't saved (if set to WP Editor).
v2.0.7 – 12 January 2019
- FIX: Some listing field values being reset on Add Listing form when validation fails.
v2.0.6 – 08 January 2019
- TWEAK: "Reset Filters" button in Explore page. - TWEAK: Restricted Theme Tools access to Administrator roles only. - FIX: Dashboard Stats > Top Countries not showing the correct country on some cases. - FIX: Issue with filter value not being set for Dropdowns and Checkboxes in Explore page. - FIX: Pagination not working in listings archive page.
v2.0.5 – FIX: Default font not loading.
v2.0.4 – 26 December 2018
- TWEAK: Improved keyword search for listings (Quicksearch and Keyword Search in Explore page). - TWEAK: Added "Custom Landing Page" option for custom taxonomies. - TWEAK: Clicking on star ratings below the title will open the reviews tab in single listing page. - TWEAK: Changing the site font in Elementor > Default Fonts will live preview the new font. - TWEAK: WordPress default widgets will now appear in elementor widgets area - FIX: When the default font is not selected, the font should not be loaded at all - FIX: "Skip checkout" for free claim listing packages not working. - FIX: Error message on claim listing page. widgets. - FIX: Orderby setting not working in taxonomy dropdown filters in Explore page. - FIX: Selecting an item from a dropdown causes the page to scroll to top on macOS Safari. - FIX: Loading styles through a CDN causes some layout issues. - FIX: Errors reported by "Health Check & Troubleshooting" plugin. - FIX: Missing translations.
v2.0.3 – 20 December 2018
- FIX: When previewing a listing in add listing page, then going back to edit data, some fields don't retain their values. - FIX: Single listing tabs with non-latin characters in id broken. - FIX: Masonry tab layout bug in single listing page. - FIX: Conditional listing fields showing empty value. - FIX: Non-latin characters in term dropdown not being displayed correctly. - FIX: Theme Tools > Shortcodes > Button not working. - FIX: Added title and subtitle section in Explore page when showing listing types as a dropdown. - FIX: Map markers position in RTL sites. - FIX: Gallery upload when paid listing disabled and require an account disabled in add listing page - FIX: WP editor text mode styling issue in edit listing page (back-end) - FIX: Minor issue with extended height header on scroll
v2.0.2 – 17 December 2018
- FIX: Add Listing page not working properly when using only one listing type (package selection, skip preview, etc.) - FIX: reCaptcha not showing on Add Listing page. - FIX: "Clients Slider" Elementor widget not working. - FIX: Store and related listing tabs loading animation bug. - FIX: Single listing tab switching animation bug. - FIX: Added more spacing between similar listings section and the listing content. - FIX: Spacing issue when using filters in advanced form with both label and placeholder - FIX: Microsoft Edge dropdown loading issue - FIX: Main menu not working correctly in mobile, if the name of the menu is not Main menu - FIX: Spacing issues when displaying filters in 2 columns in explore page - FIX: When there's a single listing type, spacing issue at the bottom of the page
v2.0 – 13 December 2018
User dashboard - New page layout - Added in-depth listing visit stats - Visits chart - Visit and unique visit counts - Top platforms and devices - Top browsers - Top countries - Top referrers - Reworked "Switch Plan" and "Relist" features for better user experience Single listing page redesign - New listing header layout - Added "Quick Actions" section - Added "Cover Details" section - Added "Similar Listings" section - Added ability to directly link to a tab within a listing. The tab identifier can be modified in the listing type settings - Added "Grid View" template for gallery content block Add Listing form improvements - Added nav menu to quickly switch form sections - Added "Skip preview and submit" button to optionally bypass the preview step - Added drag&drop ordering for listing gallery fields - Cleaner design to form elements. - Optimized dropdown performance with lazy-loading for categories, regions, tags, product fiels, related listings, and custom taxonomies - Added ability to set the default map center on the location field Explore page redesign - New mobile layout - Added "List View" template for listing preview cards - Added menu for switching between listing types - Optionally, the listing types can be shown in a dropdown via Elementor settings - Single term-select dropdowns are shown in hierarchical order Admin backend - Added support for custom listing taxonomies - Added "Typography" section in Theme Options to control text styles around the site - Added overall listing stats in the admin dashboard - Improved listing form in the admin backend to be more consistent with the frontend one - Added "Revisions" section in the listing type editor - Added ability to filter by listing type in WP Admin > Listings Tweaks - Added new default font - Added Regions and Tags in Quicksearch results - Improved overall performance (better asset loading, smooth animations) - Improved RTL support - Added setting to enable/disable paid listings for individual listing types - Added footer reveal effect - Added ability to display listing types using the "27 > Listing Categories" widget in Elementor. - Added [[:authlogin]] key to retrieve listing author's username in the listing type editor - Added "Behavior" setting for multiselect & checbkoxes filter; set whether results should be retrieved if all terms are matched, or at least one of them - Added "Hide if empty" option for Store tabs in single listing page - "Shortcode" content blocks in single listing page can now run JavaScript and CSS code without any restrictions - Added new header animation on scroll - Added header option to show/hide cart - Added support for Elementor Pro custom headers and footers Bugfixes - Entering an invalid address in a listing prevents the listing from loading - Datepicker issues and inconsistencies in the frontend and backend pickers - Listing type editor error in some sites - Adding multiple "Product Multiselect" custom fields not working properly - Listing preview step being blocked by contact form plugins - Quicksearch results inconsistent to those on Explore page - Using external images in listings through the backend form breaks the frontend listing edit form - Elementor regions widget bug in macOS Safari - Duplicate results on Explore page when ordering by listing rating - Missing translation strings
- FIX: Custom permalinks bug when not using a base slug. - FIX: Marker clustering not working in 27 > Map widget when using Mapbox. - FIX: Markers getting hidden sometimes when dragging the map in Mapbox. - FIX: Broken structured data table in the listing type editor.
- FIX: Custom listing permalinks not working on WordPress subdirectory installations. - FIX: Missing 'Edit Permalink' button when editing a listing in backend. - FIX: Preview Listing screen in Add Listing page not loading. - FIX: First listing category/region selected not being used in the url (custom permalinks). - FIX: Blurred map markers when using Mapbox. - FIX: Missing translation strings.
NEW: - Added Mapbox support, as a Google Maps alternative. - Added custom listing permalinks, with support for listing type, category, region, and url-s without a base static word. - Added option to set Maps language in WP Admin > Theme Tools > Map Services. - Added ability to use custom map skins in WP Admin > Theme Tools > Map Services. - Added package visibility settings for static code blocks in single listing page (Can be used to display ads in listings with specific packages). - Added 'step size' setting for Range and Proximity filters, making it possible to set the search radius to less than 1km. TWEAKS: - Improved term blocks layout in single listing page. - Users will be prompted to share their device location when searching for nearby listings. - Enabled map interactions on single listing page maps. - Added [[:currentuserlogin]] to retrieve logged in user's username in Shortcode content blocks and other places that support the bracket syntax. - Added "Listing Type(s)" column in term view screen in WP Admin > Listings > (Categories/Tags/Regions). - Added geolocation button in the location field in Add Listing page. BUGFIXES: - Numeric listing fields with '0' as value not showing up on content blocks. - Info cards section bug when editing in Elementor. - Claimed badge not shown in single listing page when Paid Listings module is disabled. - Parallax effect on single listing page when using custom header templates & similar issue with "27 > Page Heading" Elementor widget. - Using multiple work hours blocks in single listing page not working properly. - Multiselect fields not showing the assigned placeholder in Add Listing page. - Yoast SEO not recognizing the description field when editing a listing in backend. - Conflict with Yoast SEO's latest version, preventing the plugin from working in single term page in backend. - Using backslashes in field names in listing type editor breaks the listing type config. - Listing type editor not loading config immediately on page load. - Not possible to deselect custom term landing page (for listing categories, regions, and tags).
- Added proximity ordering option in Explore page (Nearby listings). - Added option to format the value of Range filters in Explore page. - Added new option in Explore page widget's Elementor settings to disable live url update feature. - FIX: Cover images in single listing page not centered properly. - FIX: Missing translation strings. v1.7.0.3 - FIX: Broken layout in single category/region/tag pages. - FIX: Promoted listings being duplicated in Explore page results on some sites. v1.7.0.2 - FIX: Normal users having no permission to promote listings v1.7.0.1 - FIX: Explore page loading issue
- Promotions v2, a complete revamp of the promoted listings feature. - One-click demo importing is now available. - Explore: Page url is now dynamically updated as you filter listings. This makes it possible to remember the state of filters when opening a listing, and then going back to filters. - Explore: Custom sorting options are now also available for Categories, Regions, and Tags tabs. - Added sidebar support for the WooCommerce shop and product pages. - Added ability to set number of product columns on shop page, through Theme Options > Shop Page. - Added support for cookie consent checkbox in comments/reviews form. - Added new Cart section in site header. - Added support for setting custom landing pages for listing regions, categories, and tags. - Listing Feed widget now supports passing an Explore page URL for retrieving results, allowing you to customize it based on Explore page filters. - FIX: Clusters not working properly on inital load in Explore page. - FIX: Image carousel blocks not working properly when using multiple of them on single listing page. - FIX: Elementor 27 > Content Block not rendering rich content. - FIX: Multiple issues with dropdown inputs, such as option filtering not working after first selection, and also included a better sorting algorithm for search results. - FIX: On social login, some users having to refresh the site manually to see their account information. - FIX: On social login with Facebook, the user's Facebook profile picture not showing up sometimes. - FIX: Order by Rating in Explore page excluding listings without a rating. - FIX: Drag&drop reordering not working for Regions in Add/Edit Listing page. - FIX: Share on Twitter and WhatsApp not working on some devices. Also added new 'Copy Link' option in the share dialog. - FIX: Default WordPress search form displaying a blank page when finding no results. - FIX: ReCaptcha on contact forms in single listing page not working. - Improved parallax effect performance. - Added compatibility with the latest Elementor version (v2.1.2). - TWEAK: Theme Options > Custom Code now features a code editor with syntax highlighting.
- Fixed multiple issues with listing package subscriptions (available through WooCommerce Subscriptions extension) - Added 'Connected Accounts' section in User Menu > Account Details, to manage linked Google and Facebook accounts. - Added support for Elementor PRO custom header/footer templates. - Added profile picture settings, allowing the user to use one of the connected accounts picture. - On package selection step, owned package are now displayed in a dropup menu within each product, alongside design improvements to the pricing plans section. - FIX: Content blocks are now mixed in mobile when using two-columns layout (similar to masonry layout). - FIX: Compatibility issues with latest WooCommerce version. - FIX: ReCaptcha not working on single listing page contact forms. - FIX: Pagination not working properly on related listings tab in single listing page. - FIX: Issue with review count in single listing page. - FIX: Maps not properly working on custom tabs in single listing page. - Included new section in listing type editor, explaining how to use the bracket syntax and listing special keys. Additionally, new special keys have been added, to retrieve listing author, listing date, and currently logged-in user.
v1.6.5.1 - FIX: Facebook login issue
- FEATURE: Added column layout options in single listing page. - FEATURE: Social login with Google and Facebook is now built-in. - User dashboard menu can now be managed through Appearance > Menus. - Listing packages can now be restriced to a single purchase per user. Useful for free/trial packages. - Added ability to set custom a custom id and classnames for blocks in single listing page. - Added ability to set a unique icon for content blocks in single listing page. - Added compatibility with Elementor 2.0.9 - Added additional header and single listing typography options in WP Admin > Theme Options. - FIX: Promotion keys sometimes not being applied to listings. - FIX: Incorrect review count being shown on single listing page. - FIX: When previewing a new listing, then going back to edit data, previously selected tags and region(s) were not being automatically selected. - FIX: Post categories and post tags url base can now be modified. - FIX: Event date search filters not working properly. - FIX: Term lists in Add Listing page now appear in alphabetical order. - FIX: Listings, listing categories, listing tags, and regions url base now supports non-latin characters. - FIX: Listing packages with a limit of 1 listing not being hidden after reaching limit. - FIX: Scroll to top of results on explore page no-map template. - Minor fixes/improvements (issues in blog-feed widget, filters misbehaving in Explore page, updated ACF version, etc.)
- Added compatibility with Elementor 2.0 - Added new field visibility rule for listings without a package set. This can be useful to display premium fields on listings added through WP backend. - Category/Tag/Region url base can now be modified through WP Admin > Settings > Permalinks - Added support for key:value pairs in field options (for custom select, multiselect, radio fields). - Added filter by region/tag in "27 > Listing Feed" Elementor widget. - "Login to comment" link will now open the popup login form. - Added 'mylisting\packages\free\skip-checkout' filter to optionally skip the checkout step on free listing packages. - Fixed Explore page title to show the name of the term on single category/region/tag page; and page description, when using Yoast SEO plugin. - Fixed schema issue when setting review mode to 5 stars. - Fixed issue with "Allow Shortcodes" option in WP Editor custom field. - Fixed issue with pagination in region explore page. - Fixed datepicker issues and added localization for the displayed date. - Fixed issue with overlapping content in single listing block elements. - Fixed conflict with WC Vendors on including same JS plugin as the theme, but a different version. - Fixed issue with payment package displaying incorrect package count. - Fixed issue with wrong redirect on failed login/register attempts through the popup forms. - Fixed issue with single listing contact form being always visible. - Fixed translation issues (in work hours, event date, etc.) - More minor bug fixes. - SEO: Improved source code readability by removing some unnecessary inline styles. - Dev: Added 'mylisting\single\og:tags' filter for managing open graph tags in single listing page.
- Added option to manually set coordinates in listing location field. - Added support for pin locking in listing location field. - Fixed issue with category/region/tag page not working when non-latin characters are used in the term slug. - Fixed error when updating Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin. - Fixed error on new theme installations breaking Paid Listings functionality. - Fixed issue with verified sign not appearing in listing preview cards. - Fixed issue with translating datepicker strings.
v1.6.0.2 - Fixed RTL style issues v1.6.0.1 - Fixed some styling issues in iOS Safari
- FEATURE: Added new structured data (schema) editing tool in the listing type editor. - FEATURE: Added ability to customize how search results are ordered, based on any custom field. - FEATURE: Paid listings functionality is now builtin, with the ability to switch listing package among other improvements. - FEATURE: Claim listing functionality is now builtin, no 3rd party plugin is required. - Added new Global listing types, which can be used in Explore page to display a search form that includes results from all other listing types. - Added ability to display dropdown and checkbox filter options in the same order they've been added in the Fields tab. - Added new listing-type-specific options for default listing logo and cover image. - Added ability to show listing owner/author in listing preview card. - Added support for Contact Form 7's autoresponder feature in listing contact forms. - Added new ordering option in Listing Feed Elementor widget. - Added new option in 27 > Map widget to specify how many listings to show. - Listing social networks can now be added, removed, reordered, modified using the 'mylisting\links-list' filter. - Localized datepicker strings. Added filters to change date, time formats, and which day is set as the first weekday. - Added support for comments in page templates. - Improved SEO performance in single listing pages. - Improved blog post archive page layout and SEO performance. - Included default Google Maps skin option. - Removed duplicate title field in listing backend edit form. - Fixed issue with datepicker displaying the selected day wrong. Only happened to users in negative timezone offsets. - Fixed issue with relist packages. - Fixed issue with listing preview image not being visible on Elementor map section. - Fixed issue with Countdown content block not accounting for different timezones. - Fixed issue with Checkboxes filter order and orderby options. - Fixed issue with the keyword filter not searching on listing description field. - Fixed issue with "Enable customer registration on the "My account" page" option still displaying the registration form when left unchecked. - Fixed conflict with Yoast SEO plugin causing duplicate opengraph tags in singe listing pages. - Fixed missing translation strings. - Improved mobile menu framerate - Added featured listings support to appear at the top of the results
- Fixed issue with listing work hours in preview card. - Fixed issue with listing tagline containing html markup. - Fixed bug in social networks field showing an unnecessary select option. - Fixed issue with custom file upload fields and selecting a list of allowed extensions. - Fixed more missing translation strings. - Fixed issue with category field missing on admin add listing page. - Added additional helper css classes to content blocks in single listing page. - Added new "Files" content block, for displaying custom file upload fields in a list layout in single listing page.
- Added ability to set the level of customization the listing description editor provides - from a plain textarea, to a full size WYSIWYG editor. - Shortcodes in listing description editor can now be optionally allowed. - Added ability to upload custom images as term icons (custom category, tag, region icons). - Added 2 new term templates apart from the default multiselect template: term single select, and term checklist. - Added ability to restrict places autocomplete results to one or more countries. - Added ability to set what types of results places autocomplete should return. - Added oEmbed support on listing description and in custom content blocks. - Added compatibility with WPJM Claim Listing plugin. - Added ability to use HTML and shortcodes in table, accordion, tabs, and details content blocks. - Added new work hours options for "Open all day", "Closed all day", and "By appointment only". - Added new options in Explore page for "Automatically scroll to results" and "Zoom map using mouse scroll". - Improved work hours feature. Listing status will now be "N/A" instead of "Closed" when no work hours have been entered. And the block won't be visible at all when no work hours have been set. - Improved performance with high quality images used in listing galleries. - Improved the "Shortcode" content block so it's hidden if any of the used fields are empty. - Fixed issue with Facebook share dialog not including listing logo. - Fixed missing translation strings. - Fixed issue with importing listing type configs. - Fixed issue with conditional fields not showing when using a pre-owned listing package. - Fixed preview card issue when displaying a related listing (host) that doesn't have a logo set. - Fixed issue with rtl content when using child theme. - Fixed issues with Elementor texteditor widget. - WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin has been styled to match the theme. - Numeric custom fields now can optionally allow decimal numbers.
v1.5.0.3 - Fixed issue with Contact Form 7 not working on single listing page. v1.5.0.2 - Fixed issue in WP Admin that was causing several plugins to stop working properly. v1.5.0.1 - Added RTL support for the new review categories section.
- FEATURE: Paid Packages can now be restricted to one or more listing types. - FEATURE: Listing fields can now be shown/hidden based on the listing package. - FEATURE: Listing reviews can have more than one category for ratings. - FEATURE: Image galleries can now be attached to a listing review. - Added optional 5 star listing ratings instead of the usual 10. - Added new content block for displaying shortcodes, iframes, etc. using listing data. e.g. you could use the listing's twitter username to display a feed of all their tweets. - Fixed issue with Elementor Social Icons widget. - Fixed issue with empty space when less than 3 gallery images are used in single listing page. - Fixed issue with "show in admin" option in listing fields. - Fixed single listing layout when no logo is present. - Fixed issue with content width on blog posts. - Minor bug fixes.
- Notified all our users about a bug in the latest WP Job Manager plugin - Please read more here
- Fixed issue with custom fields in Listing type creator - Updated premium plugins to latest version - Fixed minor bugs
- Listing description can now be either a WP Editor or a plain textarea. - Added new dark style for the quick search widget. - Added ability to use custom datetime formats with the [27-format] shortcode. - Fixed issue with related listings tab. - Fixed issue with translation of plural strings. - Fixed issue with text encoding of some languages in featured service widget. - Fixed issue with some users not appearing in the listing author select box. - Fixed issue with WP Editor fields not appearing in WP Admin edit listing page. - Fixed issue with featured section backround image on iOS devices. - Fixed minor RTL issues. - Updated the bundled MyCity demo to the latest version.
- Added ability to show multiselect custom fields in preview card, cover buttons, and content blocks. - Fixed issue with custom fields not showing up in dropdown and checkbox search filters. - Fixed issue with user menu translation. - Fixed issue with spinner on quicksearch widget. - More minor improvements.
- FEATURE: Categories, Tags, and Regions can be specific to one or more listing types. - FEATURE: Added new [quicksearch] shortcode, with instant AJAX results. - FEATURE: Added "Regions" taxonomy. - FEATURE: Added new Elementor widget for displaying terms (regions, categories, or tags). - FEATURE: Added support for rich editor custom fields in single listing page. - Tags now can be accessed similarly to categories in the Explore page. - Single listing page's base URL ( can now be modified in Settings > Permalinks. - Added new single page layout block that allows the site admin to insert shortcodes and raw content. - Added single image layout block in single listing page. - Categories, Tags, and Regions have been updated with SEO friendly url-s, e.g. example/tag/accepts-credit-cards - Included Brazilian translation (pt_BR), courtesy of Marcelo Lopes! - Fixed issue with non-translatable strings.
- FEATURE: Added ability to have multiple work hours ranges for a single day. - Every listing field can now be edited from the wp-admin panel. - Added option to change listing owner from the WP Admin dashboard. - Added ability to update listing expiry date from the WP Admin dashboard. - Redesigned Checkout page for better user experience. - Updated proximity filter to only be active once a location is set, instead of manually enabling it. - Fixed issue with parallax background on iPad on landscape. - Updated the included docs to the latest version, and added info on how to install and configure automatic updates. - Included theme translations for: - German (de_DE) thanks to Christian Sommer - Russian (ru_RU) thanks to Alex ( @corradulka ) - Portuguese (pt_PT) thanks to Joao Coelho
- Added ability to show categories in parent-child format in Explore page. - Fixed issue with inaccurate category listing count. - Fixed issue when no listing type is given on the Explore page. - Fixed issue with user dropdown menu items order.
- Redesigned Explore page for better UX. - Improved styling on BuddyPress group pages. - Redesigned Cart page for better user experience in desktop and mobile devices. - Added new transparent option for search widget. - Slider Revolution is now bundled with the theme. - Child categories will inherit parent settings like icon, color, image - unless overwritten. - Added specific CSS classes for single listings, listing previews, quick view, explore, etc. - Updated docs on how to import demo data using All-in-One WP Migration ( - Included MyHome and MyCar import files. - Fixed issue with multiselect filters in Explore page. - Added BuddyPress profile link in user dropdown menu. - Added ability to filter results using multiselect fields. - Added default background color to logos to avoid issues with transparent images. - Minor bug fixes
- Added quick import for MyCity demo using All-in-One WP Migration - Improved BuddyPress style - Fixed issues with accent color - Fixed RTL issues
- Added ability to set site logo size in header. - Fixed issue with listing "Location" field in admin panel. - Fixed issue with child theme. - Fixed issue with drag & drop in Chrome 62. - Minor bug fixes.
- FEATURE: Complete BuddyPress integration. - FEATURE: Added right-to-left text support. - FEATURE: Added new author block for single listing page. - Added ability to set the logic used on search queries with multiple categories/tags selected. - Added unique classes to content-block elements. - Added hooks for custom block elements. - Added child theme. - SEO optimizations. - Updated Advanced Custom Fields PRO to latest version. - Updated package selection layout. - Updated documentation on product vendors. - Fixed quick view height issue. - Fixed bug in "Work Hours" field. - Fixed bug with multiselect fields.
v1.1 – The first of many
- Added links to docs in the listing type builder. - BUGFIX: When adding new listings from admin dashboard, no listing fields would appear at first. - BUGFIX: In the listing type builder, when no field was being used, drag & drop wouldn't work properly.
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