Premium OpenCart theme for selling toys, baby and kids clothes, shoes and accessories.
Kiddos is a hand crafted kids and baby themed store with beatiful design and powerful backend. Packed with endless number of options, theme admin panel offers unprecedented control over the entire store content and appearance. You can build complex layouts in minutes and adapt the theme to your specific needs. It is easy and fast to setup a web shop.

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Quickly export and transfer your
custom theme configuration to another
store! Choose between different
export options.

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Theme Skins
The theme comes with different skins
that can be changed with one click.
Every skin brings different styling.
You can create and save your own too!

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Everyone has their own view on how
the header should look like. Drag
the header elements around to build
the one that best matches
your store style.

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Product Page Builder
No more restrictions of how your product
page layout will look like. Change
the content elements position and styling
according to your taste with
the familiar Page Builder interface.

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Custom Product Options
Easily change the product options
appearance. Configure thumbnail size,
zoom images, gallery appearance
and tabs style.

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Page templates
You can save your custom layout as
template and use it for as many pages
as you like. No more wasting time
to build everything from scratch.

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Make your site quicker to navigate!
Your customers will have an always
accessible navigation menu with
minimalistic design that will spare
vertical spacing.

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Custom site backgrounds
Place a catchy background on your
site to complement its look. You can
have different background for every
page or category.

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Unlimited Colors
Extensive color control over the entire
web store! You can change the text,
background or border color of every
single element. The color inheritance
functionality will save your time.

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Custom Fonts
Boost your site with 630+ web
optimized Google fonts with
customizable style, size, letter or word
spacing. Set a global line height and
all elements will be automatically

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Sample Data
Insert all demo products and settings
with one click! You can now setup your
store in minutes and start selling!

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With full multi-store support, you can
have different colors and fonts, style
individually each website area, create
custom layouts, page content and

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Responsive Design
Kiddos is designed to support devices
with different resolutions. Your store
will look nice on smartphones and tablets,
laptop or desktop computers.

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Touch Optimized
Theme supports touch swipe gestures
in sliders, carousels or galleries. Hover
events are handled for dropdown
menus as well. No more worries about
usability on mobile devices.

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Live Edit
No more save and refresh! You can
make changes to colors or fonts,
modify navigation, style pages, use
Page Builder and see all the changes
right away.

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All theme added features support
multiple languages where appropriate.
E.g. a text block can have separate
values and be enabled/disabled for
different languages.

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RTL Language Support
Full right-to-left language (Arabic,
Hebrew etc.) support. Language
direction is auto detected and works
out of the box with no additional

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Free Support & Updates
Our dedicated team of professionals
will do whatever it takes to fix any
possible issues that may come up, or
help our customers, if they need any
‘how to’ guidance.
Theme support
Theme support will be provided only from the support forum. You will need to register with your ThemeForest username and use the purchase code from your license certificate for confirmation. We will try our best to reply to your posts and emails in no longer than 2 business days. Our timezone is UTC/GMT +2.
## 1.1.5 - 21.11.2016
[added] - Page Builder - grid listing for latest and featured articles
[improved] - RTL compatibility
[updated] - CKEditor to 4.5.11
[fixed] - Page Builder - 3rd party module import in OC 2.3
[fixed] - Menu composer - Banner image position
[fixed] - Missing product information in comparison page
[fixed] - Subcategories carousel navigation position
[fixed] - Bug with background gradients when adding extra colors after refresh
[fixed] - Presets - error messages appearing in log if there is a shadow in preset
[fixed] - SEO Pack - missing meta title for categories in OC 1.5
[fixed] - Live search - crashing on non SSL pages, if SSL is enabled
## 1.1.4 - 04.11.2016
[fixed] - Missing margin and padding for presets
[fixed] - Broken manufacturer and search pages
## 1.1.3 - 02.11.2016
[added] - Page Builder - single page import/export
[improved] - Mega Filter PRO/Plus compatibility
[fixed] - Presets error on theme installation
[fixed] - Missing blog pagination if database cache is activated
[fixed] - Compatibility issues with SEO pack and OpenCart 2.3 - pretty system urls, changing languages
[fixed] - Live search not working if SSL enabled
[fixed] - Product countdown timer not available for all Page Builder blocks
[fixed] - Extra product fields not working on OC 1.5
[fixed] - Product listing layout not applied for related products
[fixed] - Theme CP <span style="font-weight: 400;">scrambled in Chrome</span>
[fixed] - Scrambled user login page
[fixed] - Styling issues with custom product options
[fixed] - Minor CSS issues
## 1.1.2 - 01.10.2016
[added] - Style - custom sidebar width for mobile devices
[added] - Page Builder - set custom row column height
[fixed] - Enconding problems with text and HTML Page Builder blocks
[fixed] - Cart menu disappearing in product page
[fixed] - Missing button localization in system messages
[fixed] - Minor CSS issues
## 1.1.1 - 01.09.2016
[fixed] - UTF-8 unicode bugs
[fixed] - Sample data import bugs
[fixed] - Minor CSS issues
## 1.1.0 - 30.08.2016
[added] - OpenCart 2.3 compatibility
[added] - Page Builder - set column sizes for different screen sizes
[added] - Page Builder - set column order for different screen sizes
[added] - Page Builder - block group for inserting additional columns in a row
[added] - Menu Composer - menu banner for category mega menus
[added] - SEO pack - website multilingual meta title and description
[added] - Special price countdown timer (Daily deals)
[added] - JS lazy loading
[improved] - Design spacing (padding and margin) for small screens
[improved] - Menu Composer interface
[improved] - Browser render performance
[improved] - CSS performance
[improved] - JS performance
[improved] - Also Bought Products performance
[updated] - Carousel script (iDangerous Swiper v3.3.1)
[updated] - Google Fonts list
[updated] - Also Bought Products is now a separate module
[fixed] - Checkout and user account pages bugs when database cache enabled
[fixed] - Missing "Sample data" dialog
[fixed] - Multi-store cannot select BurnEngine as a theme
[fixed] - SEO pack - multilingual urls not changing
[fixed] - minor CSS bugs
## 1.0.5 - 10.05.2016
[added] - extra product fields/tabs extension
[added] - random products for Page Builder
[added] - categories block - category wall style
[added] - left/right sidebar - fluid width
[fixed] - FireSlider Firefox compatibility issues
[fixed] - Live search errors
[fixed] - SEO pack errors
[fixed] - numerous engine errors
[fixed] - minor CSS bugs
## 1.0.4 - 15.04.2016
[fixed] - SEO pack errors with multiple languages
[fixed] - Languages related erros
## 1.0.3 - 9.04.2016
[fixed] - Languages related erros
[fixed] - Minor CSS bugs
## 1.0.2 - 2.04.2016
[added] - Search block - input group styling option
[fixed] - Sample data decompression error
[fixed] - Minor CSS bugs
## 1.0.1 - 29.03.2016
[added] - OpenCart 2.2.x compatibility
[fixed] - Minor CSS bugs
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