Travel WordPress Theme - GoExplore!
Travel WordPress Theme, Destination Directory & Blog
Create your travel agency, lodge, club, blog or destination website the quick and easy way. The GoExplore! travel WordPress theme can manage any travel website, from a personal travel blog to a world travel guide book.

Turn your site into a community with many contributors, or just you. It’s easy with the custom tools we’ve created. Use the directory to build resources such as flights, tours, restaurants and other travel services.
Build a website your visitors want to come back to again and again.

A destination can be whatever makes sense for your website. If you’re creating a site for a large theme park, the destinations might be the different sections, with rides and activities as the child destinations. A more traditional concept would be a country, region and city relationship, but that’s too easy. Use your creativity and you’ll quickly see how any travel site can take advantage of the Travel Destinations plugin.
Travel Guides
Add sub-pages to destinations for extra details and unlimited depth. With the addition of sub-pages, the destination becomes a full featured travel guide.
Each destination has it’s own directory for cataloging restaurants, tours, activities, museums, and much more. You create the categories and decide what types of ratings apply. Choose from stars and dollars, or add the ones you need. If we didn’t include a ratings symbol, add your own for custom scales to rate your directory items.

Turn your site into a community with many contributors, or just you. It’s easy with the custom tools we’ve created. Use the directory to build resources such as flights, tours, restaurants and other travel services.
Build a website your visitors want to come back to again and again.
A destination can be whatever makes sense for your website. If you’re creating a site for a large theme park, the destinations might be the different sections, with rides and activities as the child destinations. A more traditional concept would be a country, region and city relationship, but that’s too easy. Use your creativity and you’ll quickly see how any travel site can take advantage of the Travel Destinations plugin.
Travel Guides
Add sub-pages to destinations for extra details and unlimited depth. With the addition of sub-pages, the destination becomes a full featured travel guide.
Each destination has it’s own directory for cataloging restaurants, tours, activities, museums, and much more. You create the categories and decide what types of ratings apply. Choose from stars and dollars, or add the ones you need. If we didn’t include a ratings symbol, add your own for custom scales to rate your directory items.
Theme Features
- Super-ultra-mega responsive
- SEO optimized
- Traditional and modern blog styles
- Sidebar generator
- Sidebar selector for pages and posts
- Custom home page controls
- Travel Destinations plugin
- Content Blocks plugin
- Custom headers for pages and posts
- Custom headers for destinations
- Hide title setting for pages and posts
- Multiple blog list styles
- Featured destinations
- Destination categories
- Destination resource directory
- Destination child pages
- Revolution Slider support (plugin not included)
- Custom author pages
- Destination resource ratings
- Custom rating symbols (stars, dollars or add your own)
- Per topic ratings
- Custom login styles
- Unbranded white label admin
- Google Fonts support
- Bootstrap 3
- Retina ready
- Translation ready (.po/.mo files)
- Demo content included
- All Photoshop files included
- and so much more…
GoExplore! was created in collaboration with author simonswiss.
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Looking for information about new releases and theme updates? Subscribe to our emails or follow us on Twitter and we’ll do our best to keep you informed.
Updates and notifications
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.11 (January 18th 2017)
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.21.
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.6.
- Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.7.
- Updated Sidebars extension to v0.8.5.
- Code cleanup and refactoring.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.10 (January 10th 2017)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.20.
- Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.4.
- Fixed errors with PHP v7.1.0.
- Fixed errors in admin after logging in as a subscriber.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.9 (December 3rd 2016)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.19.
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.7.0.
- Fixed quotes not working in home page Custom CSS.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.8 (October 4th 2016)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.18.
- Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.5.
- Fixed “undefined” displayed under heading on directory type archive pages.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.7 (August 31st 2016)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.17.
- Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.3.
- Updated the Google Fonts list.
- Fixed incorrect URLs output in <head> section.
- Fixed incorrect links in some WPML language switchers.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed plugins not installing or updating when owner/group hardened.
- Fixed directory types sometimes not displaying directory items.
- Fixed information pages sometimes getting a bad URL after updating content.
- Fixed incorrect thumbnails displayed for directory types after WP 4.6 update.
- Fixed additional ratings icons not working on directory type listing pages.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.6 (August 2nd 2016)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.16.
- Fixed incorrect URLs in Yoast SEO sitemap.
- Fixed missing home page accordions with WPML.
- Fixed incorrect URLs output in <head> section with WPML.
- Fixed info pages getting incorrect URL after updating content.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.5 (July 14th 2016)
Updates, fixes, enhancements
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.15.
- Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.2.
- NEW Hide map icon for pages that don’t have headers activated.
- NEW Added geocode support to Map Options metabox.
- Fixed Google maps RetiredVersion warning.
- Fixed incorrect HTML title on destination category pages.
- Fixed incorrect info page slugs in Yoast SEO sitemap.
- Fixed incorrect permalink for destination info pages that have the same title.
- NEW Added support for editing permalinks of destination info pages that don’t have master pages.
- Fixed draft destination info page getting incorrect URL when published.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.4 (June 7th 2016)
Updates, fixes, enhancements
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.14.
- Updated Plugin Installer extension to v0.9.1.
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.6.3.
- NEW Added zoom controls to maps.
- Fixed slideshow not displaying if it contains only one slide.
- Fixed search form strings not getting translated.
- Fixed default “destination” slug still works after changing Destinations Base slug.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION (May 13th 2016)
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.13.
- Fixed problem with missing ‘infobox.js’ maps resource.
- Fixed problem with bbPress search.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.3 (May 8th 2016)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.12.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.45.
- Fixed WPML using encoded Information page slugs.
- Fixed > < characters replaced with HTML entities in custom JavaScript.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.2 (April 26th 2016)
Updates, fixes, enhancements
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.11.
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.5.1.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.42.
- Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to v1.0.3.
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.6.1.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed incorrect HTML title on some post list pages.
- Fixed UI typo in Simple Theme Slider plugin.
- Fixed home page slideshow section breaking in Arabic WP.
- Fixed directory items for child destinations not always displaying.
- Fixed some missing translation strings.
- Fixed incorrect info in documentation.
- Fixed posts page displaying featured image of the most recent post in header.
- Fixed home page custom CSS not being added.
- NEW Added a sitemap input box to destination settings for Information pages.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3.1 (March 18th 2016)
Updates, fixes, enhancements
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.10.
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.5.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.36.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed jQuery error on custom login screen.
- Fixed WPML unnecessary links for Places.
- Fixed child master or information pages not shown in admin WP list table.
- Fixed cannot set order of destination-specific information pages.
- Fixed bad URLs in search results.
- Fixed bad URL in admin “View post” link.
- Fixed draft information page gets bad URL when published.
- Refactored Travel Destinations plugin.
- Refactored Simple Theme Slider plugin.
- NEW Added “Back to Master Pages” button in admin.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.3 (February 27th 2016)
Updates, fixes, new features
- NEW Added Sidekick to the recommended plugins, incl. 12 GoExplore! walkthroughs.
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.9.
- NEW Added an option to customise the ‘destinations’ base slug for places and articles.
- NEW Added an option to show map on page load for directory items.
- Updated search results page to include immediate parent destination in search result titles.
- NEW Added a trailing slash to all destination-generated URLs.
- Changed “All Categories” to “All Destinations” in home page Section 1 Destinations option.
- Fixed URLs being output in meta tags to broadcast our prettified URLs.
- Fixed missing text domain for some translation strings.
- Fixed adding a Google API key causes a JavaScript error.
- Fixed menu items for destination information pages not being given our prettified URLs.
- Fixed error when restoring a destination from the trash.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Refactored permalink functionality for WPML.
- Fixed WPML language switcher where only the current language is shown for “Places” list page.
- Fixed issue with master page titles being editable when translated with WPML.
- Fixed 404 error for child information pages translated with WPML.
- Fixed master page attributes drop-down in admin so it lists only pages specific to the selected WPML language.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.9 (January 20th 2016)
Updates, fixes, new features
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.8.
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.4.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.33.
- NEW Added a filter to set the language for Google Maps.
- NEW Added theme option for Google API key.
- Fixed spacing issues with session expired login window.
- Fixed some missing translated strings.
- Fixed the hierarchy for destinations dropdown list for filtering directory items in admin.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed language name added as a parameter in WPML not working properly.
- Fixed WPML adding wrong permalinks in footer language switcher.
- Fixed title for destination archive page not translatable.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.8 (December 15th 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.7.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.30.
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.5.0.
- NEW Added support for the qTranslate X plugin.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed adding new destination-specific guide pages not working properly.
- Updated destination-page custom post type archive pages to respond with 404 Not Found.
- Updated hybrid WPML URLs for translated directory and guide pages to respond with 404 Not Found.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.7 (November 18th 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.3.
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.6.
- NEW Added TripAdvisor and VK to Navigation drop-down menus.
- Fixed destination category header displaying incorrect header image.
- Fixed home page using “No Header” setting of most recent post.
- Fixed master page order not working properly.
- Fixed draft article in destinations that cannot be seen, deleted or opened.
- Fixed “Editor” role not being able to edit the information pages associated with destinations.
- Fixed directory item excerpt not working correctly.
- Fixed clicking Add New in Simple Theme Slider causes fatal error.
- Fixed filter not working in admin Destinations > Directory Items.
- Fixed some PHP notices.
- Fixed some issues with WPML plugin.
- Fixed confusing destinations base permalink settings.
- Fixed typo in PHP version error message.
- Fixed the “Search” and “Search for:” strings in the navigation not being translatable.
- Fixed the “Find Your Next Destination” string not being translatable.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.6 (October 22nd 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.2.
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.5.
- Updated Static Content Blocks plugin to 1.0.1.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.28.
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.4.0.
- Better support for WPML.
- Fixed directory type not displayed on destination page if first directory item alphabetically has no featured image.
- Fixed hard coded HTTP and HTTPS for loading maps JavaScript.
- Fixed custom directory base permalink not working correctly.
- Fixed opening a menu item in new tab not working properly.
- Fixed home page accordions “Details” button colour not using Accent Color 1.
- Fixed duplicate info pages in Information menu and sidebar menu.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION (October 21st 2015)
- Updated demo content import file.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.5 (August 19th 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Simple Theme Slider plugin to v1.0.1.
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.4.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.27.
- NEW Added permalink base options for information pages and directory items.
- Fixed public URLs to exclude trashed items.
- Fixed pagination on the destinations archive page not working.
- Fixed warning message when deleting master pages.
- Fixed non-standard characters not working in directory item details.
- Fixed non-standard characters not working in Simple Theme Slider.
- Fixed home page using header settings of most recent post.
- Fixed confusing tip under Directory Base input box.
- Fixed search results displaying 404 Error page.
- Fixed conflict with Tooltips plugin.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.4 (July 17th 2015)
Small fix
- Fixed article headers not showing featured images.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.3 (July 16th 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.3.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.21.
- Updated Google Fonts list.
- NEW Added support for HTML in Directory meta fields.
- Better support for destination pages custom URLs.
- Fixed home page blog “more” link when no category is set.
- Fixed destination sub-menu ordering.
- Fixed page header settings not saving.
- Fixed issues with information page URLs.
- Fixed child destinations not being displayed.
- Fixed filter on Directory Items admin page.
- Fixed directory header image unrelated to parent destination.
- Fixed custom JavaScript stripping line breaks.
- Fixed destination pages content saving multiple times.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.2 (July 3rd 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.2.
- Updated demo content file.
- Fixed number of posts in Destinations > Settings defaults not working.
- Fixed media picker in theme options not working.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2.1 (June 26th 2015)
Updates and fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.1.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.19.
- Fixed maps in Articles and Places areas showing wrong location.
- Fixed titles on menus. (Bootstrap nav walker using titles for special features.)
- Fixed map pin popup breaking if Header Introduction Text begins with certain characters.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.2 (June 25th 2015)
Feature updates and bug fixes
- Updated Travel Destinations plugin to v1.1.
- Updated Ninja Forms plugin to v2.9.18.
- NEW Added Number of Posts fields in destination settings.
- NEW Added support for Google Maps to destinations and directory item pages.
- NEW Added options for showing/hiding headers in destinations areas.
- NEW Added US and GB translation files to Travel Destinations plugin.
- NEW Added theme GB translation file.
- Fixed destinations Empty Trash button functionality.
- Fixed include posts on destination home option.
- Fixed master pages order not working properly.
- Fixed inconsistent URL structure for destination pages.
- Fixed JavaScript error on directory item admin rating settings.
- Fixed special characters issue in destination Header Introduction Text, and allows HTML.
- Fixed Simple Theme Slider admin scripts being loaded on the public website.
- Fixed pagination for Places.
- Fixed typo in main JavaScript file that caused an error in Safari.
- Removed references to remote JS files (CDN) and added custom JS to footer instead of header.
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.1.1 (May 29th 2015)
Bug fix
- Fix for footer background styles
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.1.0 (May 28th 2015)
Feature Updates
- NEW Added Simple Theme Slider plugin
- NEW Added Revolution Slider support
- NEW Added custom Ratings Icon feature
- NEW Added fields for custom home page section titles
- NEW Added next/previous post navigation
- Updated menu styling
- Updated home page display for alternate settings
- Updated extension folder organization
- Fixed custom destination permalinks modifying URL
- Fixed error message in sidebars manager
- Fixed horizontal scrollbars on nav toggle for tablets
- Fixed Jetpack error
- Fixed permalinks in Travel Destinations plugin
- Fixed Master Pages not deleting
- Fixed error on destination first save
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.1 (May 22nd 2015)
Bug fix update.
- NEW Added code editor to home page options
- NEW Added custom CSS field to theme options
- NEW Added custom JavaScript field to theme options
- Fixed custom colors in theme options
- Fixed errors on Destination save if no category
- Fixed image size variation for “Places”
- Fixed empty values on Destination url error
THEME UPDATE – VERSION 1.0.0 (May 14th 2015)
Initial release.
- No changes, yet.
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